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Posted by: | Posted on: March 27, 2019

Primer: To Have or Have Not

Primer is open for debate.  Some people swear you need it, no matter what.  But really, what’s it good for?  Your face?  Your eyes?  Is it really necessary to use a primer for everyone, every day?

Here’s the low down on Primer.  At least as I see it!  Primer is a silicone based liquid to be used before your foundation and after your lotion.  You don’t need to use it every day.  And it’s not absolutely necessary to use for every person or for every occasion.

What it’s really good for is dry skin, skin with blemishes or skin with wrinkles and fine lines.  Its purpose combined with its predominate ingredient, silicone, is to create a smooth surface on top of your skin.  Its supposed to help create a smooth canvas on which to create your master piece.

The silicone in it fills in fine lines and pores, smoothing out the blemishes, and decreasing the appearance of dry skin.  It will also add length of wear to your overall makeup.

Primer isn’t essential for long wear makeup, so only use if necessary on brides, long photo shoots, or on those days when you need your makeup to last.  It adds an extra layer to that flawless finished look that might cause slippage when combined with body heat and sweat.  So use with discretion.

It’s not necessary for everyone, or for every look, as it’s an extra layer that can take you extra time, not to mention extra buildup on your skin.  Everyday makeup doesn’t have to be as full coverage, or as dramatic as makeup for a night out.

If you choose to use primer apply over your daily moisturizer.  Apply with a makeup sponge, or if you’re like me, with your fingertips.  You can apply it to your entire face, eyelids and lips included.  (May not taste too great but it will make your lips smoother.)  Then simply apply your foundation, your powder and you will have a smooth palette on which to create the look you desire.

Well ladies, hope this answers the question of whether or not you should use primer.

Primer’s I would recommend:

Mircoperfecting Primer from Makeup Forever

Photo Finish Foundation Primer by Smashbox

the AMAZING Spackle by Laura Geller

And my All Time Favorite the Poreless Primer by ELF Cosmetics (a whopping $10 for their large bottle.) – this option is not only cost effective but works great.  A little bit of this goes a VERY long way.

Personify Bridal, Sacramento’s On Location Bridal Hair & Makeup Specialists since 2004

Sacramento Makeup Artist

Posted by: | Posted on: March 13, 2019

Pedicure precautions

Who doesn’t love a pedicure!  The foot massage, the hot water and if you’re lucky the massage chair.  Not to mention the bright, fun colors that make your toes look so pretty.

Pedicures are great, but there are a few precautions every woman should take.

Pedicure basins are breeding grounds for bacteria and disease, countless feet are placed in them, with who knows what fungi attached.  Just the sheer possibilities of what could be swimming in that warm water can be terrifying.

But do not despair, follow these simple precautions and you will save your feet and yourself from some nasty bacteria.

1.  Be the first appointment.  That’s right, schedule your appointments so that you are the first customer to sit in that chair.  By state law each salon should run disinfectant through each chair for 8 hours each night.  Each basin should have been thoroughly sanitized.  So being the first client means no bacteria should be lingering to infest your feet.

2.  Don’t shave your legs that morning.  I know none of you want to show up to your pedicure with hairy legs, and I am not suggesting that you do.  But freshly shaved legs have open pores, not to mention any razor nicks that might have occurred.  These are just open and waiting for any potential bacteria to get inside.  So be a good girl and shave the night before.

3.  Pay attention.  Look around you when you enter the salon.  Are they disinfecting the basins after each of their clients?  How clean and sanitary is the bathroom or the stations?  These will be indicators on if they follow proper sanitation procedures for their pedicure stations.

Well I hope these three simple steps will keep you all safe and sound.  Now get out there and enjoy being pampered!

Personify Bridal, Sacramento’s On Location Bridal Hair & Makeup Specialists Since 2004

Posted by: | Posted on: March 5, 2019

How to make your wedding day makeup last longer

Bridal makeup is a specialty all its own.  It has to be absolutely flawless up close and personal and on video and film.  It has to be exactly what the bride has always envisioned and it has to last all day.

See what I mean about it being unique?

Well here’s a few tips to help you get the most out of your wedding day makeup.  First, use waterproof mascara, a good one won’t flake and it will stand up to any tears that might escape when he is saying his vows to you.

Avoid makeup pencils for your eye liner or eyebrows.  The reason for this is as your body heats up the wax in the pencil will also heat up and actually slide right off your face.  So use either a waterproof liquid liner like Wet ‘N Wilds H2o or a powder shadow for your eyes and powder for your brows.

Skip the sunscreen on your big day.  No need to risk a Ghost Face in your pictures by having an extra layer of Titanium Dioxide on your skin.  Not to mention the extra oil in the sunscreen might make your foundation slid and come off.

Set your makeup with powder.  Even if you don’t usually use it, today is not the day to forgo your powder.  A good powder will set the makeup, giving you a fresh flawless look as well as absorbing any moisture from sweat or tears.  So don’t skip this step.

And last but not least, when in doubt, get a Pro.  They will help you achieve the best look and help you keep looking your best all day and well into the night.

Personify Bridal, Sacramento’s On Location Bridal Hair & Makeup Specialists since 2004

Posted by: | Posted on: February 27, 2019

Drink Water, Burn Fat

No, it’s true!  Really!  I am not making this up!

Ok, I know it’s hard to believe when someone states that drinking water will cause you to burn fat.  Believe me I understand.  However, it’s true!

Here’s some facts to back up what I’m saying to you.

1.  Drinking water flushes fat cells out of our body.  It helps clean our system of toxins, fat cells and other impurities.

So, that is only one reason why you should drink your daily 64 oz.

2.  Drinking water minimizes fatigue.  When we are dehydrated we tend to be more tired, less energetic and not inspired to working out.

So drinking the amount of water you need will give you the energy to get to the gym, hence you will burn fat.

3.  My favorite.  Drinking ICE cold water will burn fat by itself.  Seriously.  By lowering your body’s core temperature by drinking lots of ice water causes your body to burn fat.

It’s a survival mechanism that you can use to your own advantage.  Your body will burn extra fat cells and burn up calories to keep you from freezing and all you have to do is drink a tall glass of ice water.

Pretty nice huh?  I thought you’d like that.

Personify Bridal, Sacramento’s On Location Bridal Hair & Makeup Specialists

Posted by: | Posted on: February 20, 2019

Bridal Makeup Must Haves

We’re heading into spring and for many of us it’s the year you’ll be planning your wedding, a day that you’ve looked forward to your whole life.

In anticipation of your big day in 2019 here are some Makeup Must Haves every Bride should know.

1.  Skip the Sunscreen.  I know many of you are in the good habit of protecting your skin any time you even think about stepping out into the sun.  But this is one day you need to break that habit.

Sunscreen does protect your skin, but the high levels of Titanium Dioxide are going to make your face flash white in the camera.  So unless you are marrying Casper, skip the sunscreen on your big day.

2.  Waterproof….Everything!  You may not think you’re going to cry, or that your going to sweat, but believe me, the moment you step out onto the floor with your honey for that first dance, tears are going to come.  So why take the risk?  Use waterproof mascara, powder, liner, etc and save yourself from smears.

3.  Powder, powder and more powder.  Get a moisture resistant setting powder.  First off it will absorb the moisture in your skin, keeping you from looking shiny in your pics.  Second it will keep your makeup looking and feeling fresh all day.

4.  Environment awareness.  If you’re going to be by the Delta, or in the tropics or anywhere else where humidity is in the air, understand that your hair and makeup can be affected by it.  Don’t expect your naturally curly hair to stay straight if you’re wearing it down and don’t expect your makeup not to get moist if you don’t use the right stuff.  So plan ahead, be aware of your environment and make it work for you.

5.  Not all pros are created equal.  Not all makeup artists know how to handle every skin tone, every skin type or every occasion.  You wouldn’t want to have your makeup done by someone who specializes in High Fashion Runway makeup for your natural outside morning wedding.  So if you are choosing a professional makeup artist, make sure you choose one who specializes in Bridal and will meet all your needs and expectations.

There you have it ladies, the five must haves for your wedding day.  We wish you all the best and if you need the best Makeup Artist for your wedding?  Well don’t hesitate to call our On Location Bridal Hair & Makeup Specialists today!

Personify Bridal, Sacramento’s Bridal Hair & Makeup Specialists since 2004

Sacramento Makeup Artist

Posted by: | Posted on: February 14, 2019

How to Prevent Bubbles in Your Nail Polish

Recently our Facebook fan Kimela had a very good question: Why does my nail polish bubble when I put it on??? I don’t shake it up, so what’s causing it?

Here’s the answer:

Nail Polish can develop bubbles in the coat for several reasons, age, product, residue on actual nail, etc., here are a few tips to keep your nails bubble free:

1.  Use fresh polish.  Any nail polish over a year old is more prone to produce bubbles.

2.  Don’t shake the bottle.  Shaking it produces bubbles, instead roll the bottle between your palms to mix it.

3. Avoid thick coats.  Instead apply multiple thin layers of polish to achieve the desired coverage.  Thick layers can be hiding small air pockets and some brands have additional drying agents added to them to help speed up the drying process.  These can create bubbles in thick layers of polish as they are trying to dry it fast.

4.  Clean the applicator.  Sometimes the bristles in the applicator can trap air bubbles and thus pass them into the polish on your nail.  Try cleaning your applicator on occasion.  Use Acetone or Nail Polish Remover to clean it.  That should reduce bubbles.

5.  Clean Nails.  Make sure your nails are clean.  Sometimes applying polish directly after you have buffed or filed them can cause that debris to stick to your nail and contaminate your polish.

Well we hope this helps your nails stay bubble free.  Thanks Kimela for your excellent question!

Personify Bridal, Sacramento’s On Location Bridal Hair and Makeup Specialists since 2004

Sacramento Makeup Artist

Posted by: | Posted on: February 6, 2019

The Low Down on Lash Extensions

If you’ve ever heard of lash extensions, I am sure you have many questions.  What are they, how do they actually work and how would you go about getting them done?

Well, that’s where I come in.  I am going to answer all of those questions.

Question 1 – What are they?

Lash extensions are just that, an extension adhered to your natural lash with a special bond that adds length and volume to your natural lash.

Question 2 – How do they work?

Lash extensions are applied individually or with clusters to your natural lash line with a special long term bonding glue.  They are applied to add either length, volume or both.  The glue used is a special solution that will last for a very long time when cared for properly.

Question 3 – Why would I want them?

Lash extensions are chosen for many different reasons.  Some women choose to have them applied prior to a vacation and don’t want to waste their time applying and reapplying mascara or risking it streaking.

Other women choose them for everyday where to give their naturally shorter or thinner lashes some volume and length.  Whatever the reason Lash Extensions are a great way to have fuller more becoming lashes.  They can be very natural or very dramatic.  It all depends on your personal style.

Question 4 – How long will they last?

With proper care and maintenance, Lash Extensions can last indefinitely.  On average they will last anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks, but with regular fills will last for months.

Question 5 – How do I care for them?

Proper care with lash extensions is a must.  First, you do not need to apply mascara once you have false lashes, so go ahead and avoid applying it as you will then have to clean it out of them and that will wear down the bond on the glue.

Second, avoid using makeup removers or cleansers on them that are oil based.  Oil will break down the glue and cause your lashes to fall out.

Third, don’t sleep on them.  It will break your real lashes and cause them to fall out, so make sure you don’t face plant into your pillow each night while you sleep.

Question 6 – Extensions vs False lashes, what’s the difference?

In appearance they can be very much the same, the difference however comes when you want to add life to the length of wear.  False lashes last for one day.  Usually no longer than that.  Extensions will last for a very long time.

Question 7 – Why wouldn’t I just use Latisse or something like that?

Lash Extensions will give you the long full lashes you want instantly, where as special products designed to lengthen your lashes, may or may not give you the desired results.  Generally you waste hundreds of dollars for little to no results.

Personify Bridal, Sacramento’s Bridal Hair & Makeup Specialists since 2004

Sacramento Makeup Artist

Posted by: | Posted on: December 12, 2018

Happy Holiday Tips

The Holiday Season! 

It’s a swirl of lights and gift giving, of holiday parties and Christmas stories.  It begins the day after Halloween and from then the rush is on. The rush for the perfect gift for the people you love.  This is a time of joy, a time we look forward to each year, but there is still stress involved.  Too often it seems that the holidays become a blur of shopping malls and crowded parking lots. We forget so easily what this holiday season is truly about.  It’s about spending time with our families and showing them how much we truly care about them. 

This season is stressful so here are some tips to help your holiday season stay bright and stress free.

  1. Drink Water.  Everyone says it, but there is a very good reason for that.  Stress can build up in our bodies like a poison and when we are dehydrated that poison cannot be flushed out.  We will become more fatigued and everyday tasks will become a drag. So drink water!
  2. Make time for yourself.  It’s not easy, we know this.  But it’s so essential.  Make time, even if just for five minutes,take time to just sit, breathe and relax. Self-guided mediation can be a wonderful technique to use at these times.  Learn to release your worries for even a few minutes and the results will be richly rewarding.
  3. Sleep.  Sleep can be so hard to come by, but it is so important to our daily well-being.  When we sleep our body finds the time to regenerate, it is nature’s number one beauty secret and something we so easily ignore.  Make your sleep a priority, even four hours of uninterrupted sleep will bring added vigor and youth to your mood and body.
  4. Be kind to yourself.  No, this does not mean indulge in the bounty of snacks and holiday goodies. Instead this means to nurture your hair and skin.   
  5. And the last tip…. Enjoy yourself!  This season is filled with joy if you can just take those moments and embrace them to their fullest.  Enjoy your family… Enjoy yourself.

From all of us at Personify Bridal have beautiful and blessed Holiday Season.

Personify Bridal, Sacramento’s Bridal Makeup Artist Since 2004

Posted by: | Posted on: September 27, 2018

Sleep: The Best Beauty Secret

I think we tend to down play the importance of a good night’s sleep.  At least until we stop sleeping!

It’s true, in our lives sleep becomes a nuisance or a luxury.  We’ve got jobs, school or both.  We have kids and careers and our own personal goals.  Sleep is even shoved out of the way so we can catch up on our favorite TV shows.  Personally, having to sleep feels like a complete waste of time.  I could be using that time to work, or write, or a million other useful things.  At least it felt that way to me until I started spending long nights in a hospital waiting room with no bed in sight!

Not only does sleep feel great after a long and busy day, it’s the time in which are body repairs all the damage stress and life deals out on us.  It is during sleep that our body heals and part of that is smoothing out all those fine lines that have us disturbed when we look into the mirror and it keeps those dark circles far, far away.

Sleep is what keeps us mentally and emotionally grounded.  During sleep we dream, working out the issues and worries of the day, refreshing us so we can face life fresh and raring to go.  It also keeps us looking a helluva lot younger!

Seriously, if all you have to do is get a good night’s rest to knock a few years off your face why would you argue?  It’s a scientifically proven fact that while the body sleeps it regenerates cells and tissue.  It’s something we’ve noticed in ourselves and others through the years.  Forget the science; you know it’s true when you see yourself after a sleepless night.  You look about as old as your body feels.  A well rested face is a happy face.  Fine lines sometimes are simply a matter of fatigue or dehydration.  So drink some water, get some rest and perhaps you can avoid that little trip to the plastic surgeon.

Life is busy and we tend to focus on everything else, on everyone else but ourselves.  It’s time to change that.  Be kind to yourself and add rest to your regimen of beauty needs.  Every body works on a different level, some require no more than five hours a night to be fully rested, others, like myself, need a good eight hours to feel human again.  If your body isn’t getting those solid hours of sleep, either because you’re going to bed too late or because you’re tossing and turning, your body builds a sleep deficit.  No need to stress about that, it’s like a bank account.  You don’t get enough sleep and your account gets over drafted.  The good part of this?  You can always pay back the bank!

So if during the week you can’t get the sleep your body and beauty crave, snuggle in on the weekend and catch up on your zzzz’s!

Personify Bridal, Sacramento’s On Location Bridal Hair & Makeup Specialists since 2004

Sacramento Makeup Artist

Posted by: | Posted on: September 19, 2018

DIY Skin Care Tips

DIY Skin Care

1. Honey

Raw, organic honey is naturally anti-bacterial, so it’s an effective acne treatment, helps unclog pores and is a great cleanser. It’s also full of antioxidants, making it a potent fighter of wrinkles, aging skin, irritation and blemishes, all while leaving a lovely afterglow.

To use: Mix two tablespoons of honey with eight tablespoons of water until a paste forms. Apply to skin and allow it to dry, then gently wash off with warm water.

3. Olive oil

Olive oil has been used for centuries as a moisturizer. Its antioxidants and natural acids help strengthen the skin to create a natural barrier against the harmful effects of the sun.

To use: Add a few tablespoons of olive oil and two drops of lavender essential oil to a bath for a moisturizing and refreshing effect.

8. Cucumbers

Cucumbers are an excellent source of water for your body, both inside and out. Packed with nutrients like magnesium, potassium, vitamins A and E, cucumbers promote blood circulation and healing, both of which benefit skin, bones and nails. The vegetable also helps to reduce wrinkles and promotes a glowing complexion, and can treat puffiness around the eyes because of their high water content.

To use: Start small and simply place slices of cucumber over your eyes for an easy de-puffer. You can also puree a cucumber and add a few drops of honey to make a soothing, hydrating mask.

4. Oatmeal. Eat it for breakfast because it’s good for you and then use it on your face as a scrub to gently remove dead skin. It’s one of a number of products on your kitchen shelf that can act as an exfoliant—sugar, ground nuts and coffee are three more—but it’s one of the best because of its hydrating qualities. You’ll want to mix those others with some type of oil to soften their harshness

6. Lemon juice. Need a skin toner? Don’t buy a fancy product with fragrance and possibly even drying alcohol. Just dab on some lemon juice for 10 or 15 minutes and rinse. It will not only tighten your skin but subtly lighten blemishes, scars, freckles and other discolored spots. Its antibacterial and astringent properties can help stave off breakouts

Personify Bridal, Sacramento’s On Location Bridal Hair & Makeup Specialists since 2004

Sacramento Makeup Artist

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